Friday, January 28, 2011

Magicblox, kindle and publicists/promoting

What do they have in common? Well, Charlie Barrett, publicist, and Pump Up Your Book Promotion had a chat party tonight with a kindle being given away as a prize to join the chat and comment. There were about 8 or 10 of us in the chat, since it was the first one PUYBP has done and the email announcements were put out late. I had a Sisters in Crime meeting this evening and when I came home and checked my emails, I decided to join the chat. It was definitely a good chat, albeit small, but that made it much easier to keep track of the threads being posted. I was only picking on everyone when I first came in and made my first comment about letting me win the kindle - but guess who won the Kindle - Moi! - and it's the version with the wi-fi and yes I'm very excited about it.

Magicblox is a new website, Your Kid's Digital Library, where books for kids are being promoted. I'm thinking of adding my books to the list, although right now it will be only books 4 and 5, with books 6 and forward coming available as soon as they are published, until the first three go out of contract and are republished. Check out the site and let me know what you think? Do you think my books have a place as an ebook? - see you all in the postings - Mrs. E :)


H.C.Paye said...

I like the look of the website and think it could be a great place to put the books, Elysabeth.

An eBook version of JGDS could actually be funner to read than in print for the kiddos. I say go for it.

If it doesn't work, you can always take your books and run in the opposite direction. But I don't see where it could hurt.

~ Heather Paye

elysabeth said...

Thanks, Heather. I submitted State of Successes and since I don't know how to convert my PDF files to JPGs, et cetera - Jason, the guy who created the website is going to put the book up for me. As soon as it is posted (probably in a week or so, since he put the book on his to-do list - lol), I'll let everyone know. Like you say, it can't hurt to try. He's also going to be doing some site enhancements in the future, like audio, automatic page turners, et cetera.

I think he also said that eventually through his website the books would be available for other ereaders (but don't quote me on that since I don't know exactly what he said or meant).

The funny thing is when I posted this the other night that this was definitely the topic of the day - ereaders so it was something on my mind - lol. I'll give it a trial and see how it does. If it's doing okay, we will add more books - and I've got a couple of events coming up that I think will be a good thing for us and the books - so fingers crossed - E :)

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