Monday, March 31, 2008

Coming full circle with the series

I've posted a nice long posting Lea's Writing Jungle blogfest today about how I came about to do this geography series. Click on the title of this post to be taken directly to that posting.

While writing that posting, I thought how could I come full circle with the series. I'm in the process of writing the state stories and the first one is submitted to the publisher, so now I only have 9 more for the year to submit. I think getting the feedback from the editor would help me progress more quickly than I am because I want to make sure the story format is the right one.

I'm sure every author struggles with their first story and has his doubts, but why does it have to be that way? Read Kim Baccellia's posting about what is needed on your way to being published.

I also encourage you all to check out all the blog postings on Lea's blog from a plethora of well-versed authors. We are all different yet we have similar advice flavored with our own personalities. The biggest key is perseverence - You can do it, Believe in yourself and "you gotta have 'Faith'" (taken from the new show Eli Stone which is peppered with tons of George Michael songs or themes).

I think I have come full circle - E :)

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