Friday, September 17, 2010

GEOFEST bound (that's in Columbia)

(picture of Reedy River Falls, which is in Greenville County, near the Governor's School for Arts and Humanities, which is where my oldest attended for his final two years of high school; very beautiful area)

I'm heading out of town again this weekend for the SC Geographic Alliance's GEOFEST #40 today. The event is actually tomorrow. Here is the website's brief description of GEOFEST:

Every spring and fall SCGA hosts this professional development conference, usually located in Columbia, SC. K-12 educators, pre-service teachers, college instructors, media specialists, curriculum coordinators, and the general public are invited to attend. A typical Geofest offers content lessons presented by USC geography faculty, standards-based teaching strategies for the elementary, middle and high school classroom, and sessions on using the SCGA teaching materials.

I'm really looking forward to this event since it puts me in the middle of the folks who can use my books the most. Hoping to come back with many sales. Will check in either tomorrow evening when I return or Sunday when I get a chance - see you all in the postings - Mrs. E & the JGDS :)


Carol Baldwin said...

Hope it goes well for you Elysabeth. sounds like a very interesting event. You are getting around, that's for sure.

elysabeth said...

Isn't that the name of the game - get around and get your name or books out there? I'm looking forward to this event especially since it's an opportunity to get in with the schools and libraries. Of course when we checked into the hotel this evening, found out there are many events going on in Columbia this weekend so hopefully we will still have a good crowd at the Geofest. I forgot my camera so will just have to use descriptions when I get home and post about it - E :)

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