Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Can you use it in a sentence, please?

The 9th Annual Starburst Spelling Bee sponsored by the Friends of the Library will be held this weekend. It will be in the same format as the National Spelling Bee in that we can ask to use words in a sentence, the origin of the word, and a definition - lol.

The Foothills Writers Guild members were invited to participate in the Anderson County Library's 9th Annual Starbust Spelling Bee. A few of us responded and will be at the M&M's table (all things to do with the candies since the sponsor of the table loves M&Ms).

You are invited to come support the local library raise funds for the Starburst Storytellers festival, which over 2800 students in Anderson County benefitted from. This is sponsored by the Friends of the Library in cooperation with Anderson University.

WHAT: 9th Annual Starburst Spelling Bee
WHEN: Saturday, March 6, 2010
TIME: 6 p.m.
WHERE: Anderson County Library, main branch, 300 N. McDuffie Street, Anderson, SC
COST: $20 per person (gets you heavy hors d'oeuvres and desserts; helps support the Starburst Storytellers' Festival)

Come support your local authors, Ms. Elysabeth and others, and other friends of the library. See you there - Mrs. E :)

1 comment:

Rena Jones said...

Some of the words they do in those spelling bees are so hard. I'm always blown away by those kids!

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