For those of you interested in some info about the states and about the series that you can't get here, I've started a newsletter forum (signup to the right under the about me section). Come join the forum and read more about the series in general and gain some insight into activities and events happening around the different states. - see you all in the postings - E :)
Monday, March 31, 2008
Newsletter posted
Posted by
12:56 PM
Labels: JGDS series, newsletter, newsletter forum
Coming full circle with the series
I've posted a nice long posting Lea's Writing Jungle blogfest today about how I came about to do this geography series. Click on the title of this post to be taken directly to that posting.
While writing that posting, I thought how could I come full circle with the series. I'm in the process of writing the state stories and the first one is submitted to the publisher, so now I only have 9 more for the year to submit. I think getting the feedback from the editor would help me progress more quickly than I am because I want to make sure the story format is the right one.
I'm sure every author struggles with their first story and has his doubts, but why does it have to be that way? Read Kim Baccellia's posting about what is needed on your way to being published.
I also encourage you all to check out all the blog postings on Lea's blog from a plethora of well-versed authors. We are all different yet we have similar advice flavored with our own personalities. The biggest key is perseverence - You can do it, Believe in yourself and "you gotta have 'Faith'" (taken from the new show Eli Stone which is peppered with tons of George Michael songs or themes).
I think I have come full circle - E :)
Posted by
11:27 AM
Labels: full circle, geography series, JGDS series, Kim Baccellia, Lea Schizas, Writing Jungle
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Wow - Two days in and what postings!!!
Ms. Elysabeth poppped over to Ms. Lea's blog to check out how the blogfest was going and there are some mighty nifty posts there. You got folks posting about adding pets to your stories and others posting about writing techniques and giving you some sound advice.
Ms. Elysabeth wasn't too awake last night when we snuck in some more background on her and our stories. So hopefully she will get lots of visitors here to check us out.
(What they don't know is I was fully aware of them exposing all and it's there for everyone to read and I had some input too - E :))
Oops, looks like we got caught a little. But we still love ya, Ms. Elysabeth and you know we want you to get us out there.
Anyway - if you get a chance to pop over to the Jungle, do so and read some fun interesting posts - leave comments too so the good, kind authors know where you are coming from.
And while you are here - don't forget to sign up for Ms. Elysabeth's montly newsletter to get more on the stories and some fun info on the states as she gets it in - maybe some events happening in your area, maybe something you didn't know about that sounds interesting and like you would want to check out - you never know what will show up. Let's all learn some geography fun stuff today - the JGDS
Posted by
11:08 AM
Labels: Children's blogfest, JGDS series, Lea Schizas
Saturday, March 29, 2008
It's begun and sprung!
Well, looks like Ms. Lea was anxious to get the authors to blogfest as she started a few days earlier than we thought. Her picture does say March 31 through April 5th, but she has started the blogfest already. She started yesterday, so don't forget to pop over and meet people like V. Gilbert Zabel and Joyce Moyer Hoffstetter. Lots of information will be passed along all week, so stop by Ms. Lea's blog and see what kind of fun stuff is going on.
Posted by
8:36 AM
Labels: Children's blogfest, Joyce Moyer Hoffstetter, Lea Schizas, Vivian Gilbert Zabel
Friday, March 28, 2008
Children's Blogfest
Just a reminder that Ms. Elysabeth will be a guest blogger on Ms. Lea's blog next week.
We think she is going to give away some goodies related to various states next week. She has been getting some fun stuff for giveaways related to the stories and we can't wait to hand them out when she does a book festival or book fair or book signing even. We know you all will enjoy the items because we think they are so cute.
Come on over to Ms. Lea's blog next week and see what all the great authors have to offer. - the JGDS
Posted by
12:23 AM
Labels: Children's blogfest, Lea Schizas, Writing Jungle
Guy Lombard here
Yep, you guessed it. I finally get my chance at telling you about me. I'm Matt's best friend. We have known each other since, hmm, maybe since the sandbox days. LOL. I guess we've known each other so long that I don't know when we really first met. His mom is pretty cool, so must be my mom and her met and hit it off pretty good.
Matt is pretty cool as friends go, but his sister is a big pain. She just hangs around us because no one wants to be around her and Mrs. Patterson kind of makes Matt look out for her too.
Sometimes I wonder how me and Matt are friends because we seem so opposite. He's pretty laid back and interesting and well, I'm kind of high-strung. I'd forget my head if it weren't on my shoulders. I remember at Matt's surprise birthday party, which was a scavanger hunt on a mini train, I was late because I had misplaced my invitation. I'm pretty sure Mrs. P. would have let me on without the invite but it did say to bring with you or you wouldn't be admitted.
Matt and I like a lot of the same things but he's just more organized about his stuff than I am. I'm kind of just scatterbrained most of the time.
I was supposed to tell you about me but I don't like talking about myself much. I'm of a mixed marriage, so I'm kind of light skinned. I don't have a 'fro or nothing like that. Just can't do nothing with the hair I have. I have lots of siblings but they aren't around much. I'm the baby and my mom started having babies when she was very young. I don't really have close brothers and sisters as I'm the only one left in the house. Mom says that's okay though, I'm the special one.
Let's see - what else is there to tell about me? Not much but if you want to know something, ask Matt. He's better at describing me than I am and he knows me pretty good. So going to get some shuteye - see you guys later - Guy
Posted by
12:09 AM
Labels: character sketch, Guy Lombard, JGDS series
Monday, March 10, 2008
Mary Beth Patterson here
My brother thinks I'm a brat, but I'm not really. I'm Matt's kid sister and you know I look up to him, literally - he's about a head taller than me and I'm just a year younger than him. I can be grown up just like him, just can't reach things like he can. But Mom says that's okay. I'll have a growth spurt soon and I could end up being taller than him one day (yeah, Dad's pretty tall - like over 6 feet and Mom, well she's not too short for a woman I guess. But I've heard that there are some short people in my family. I hope I don't get the short genes and stay short all my life.)
I can't help it my feelings get hurt easily. I don't mean to be a whiney baby but can't help that either. Sometimes he just looks at me funny and it's all I can do. But that's another story. Mom makes him take me everywhere he goes so I'm pretty much friends with the same people he is. Of course, if his best friend weren't such a doodoohead thinking that he stands a chance with Jolene then he'd see that I like him. I heard Matt tell him a few times but would never tell him myself. He thinks I'm a baby and hates having me around (or at least says he doesn't like me being around them).
I still play with my Barbie dolls but since Jolene is getting older and is involved in her dancing stuff, I don't get to play as much. I have a few friends of my own but most of the time I'm hanging with Matt and Guy and sometimes Jolene.
So what do I look like you ask? Well, I'm pretty much kid sister material I guess. I wear my long hair in pigtails most of the time because I can't stand it in my face. I don't like bangs at all and so it's pretty much up all the time. I'm the oddball in the family because I have sort of reddish hair but it's not carrot orange red or bright red like that. It's a pretty strawberry blonde. It goes good with my hazel eyes. I like wearing dresses and playing dress-up sometimes. Lacy and frilly not too much but nice looking dresses that aren't too girly. I only wear pants when I am going skating or somewhere I need to. My favorite time of the year is spring when I get to wear sandals and dresses and Easter comes along. If I can't wear sandals, I'm usually wearing my little sneakers, you know the ones by Keds or some such - the cute little tennis shoes.
I stil have some of my baby fat but I'm growing out of that. I'd like to look like Hannah Montana - lol, she's so awesome but I doubt I'll ever be that pretty.
Well I guess you know me a little bit now - better go so someone else can come by and leave their postings - bye for now - Mary Beth
Posted by
12:52 PM
Labels: character sketch, JGDS series, Mary Beth Patterson
Jungle fever
Ms. Elysabeth is going to be a contributor on Ms. Lea Schizas's Writing Jungle blogfest the week of March 31.
This is a great opportunity to promote and get to know some children's authors and their books. Click the linked title to see who all is expected to be there.
Check out Ms. Joyce Moyer Hostetter's posting about going into the jungle and what she plans to post. Ms. Elysabeth hasn't thought that far ahead yet. She will figure out something to post and will post as she should. We know she will be promoting this site and the upcoming state stories. Maybe we can talk her into having a contest or something or do some giveaways during the week. We'll work on her to see what she can come up with. So be sure to mark the dates - March 31 through April 5 to check out Ms. Lea's Writing Jungle blog and post comments for all the authors. You never know what you might win. --
Posted by
12:38 PM
Labels: Children's blogfest, fun stuff, Jungle Writing blog, Lea Schizas
First story almost completed
Well, needless to say this story could have been finished a while back but I've been a bit on the lazy side and not really doing what I should do. I think depression has been my biggest problem of late. My regular job has been low and thereby leaving me fundless and not enjoying anything and not wanting to do anything. The first state story is ready for beta testing and so I'm hoping the 3rd through 6th grade (and two 7th grade teachers) will call me this week with an appointment to come and read to the kids so that I can get their feedback and do one final edit from that so that I can submit to the publisher. If this format works, then the other states should fall into place pretty quickly. Just deciding who makes an appearance in the stories and when and what bonus clues to use - that is the trick -
If the characters behave like they should, again I should have no problems. Of course some characters feel they should take center stage and others don't seem to want to come out too much. I'll have to coax them out soon because I need to get to the next state and keep on moving on. More character sketches coming soon.
I originally started with Guy being my main character focused on but the first story and it seems subsequent ones now are focusing on Matt but Guy is there, as is Jolene and Mary Beth.
I hope to have some goodies to give away as the stories progress. So be on the lookout - keep checking back for updates.
See you all in the postings - E :)
Posted by
12:24 PM
Labels: first state story, fun stuff, updates