If you haven't voted yet, remember to go to the Author's Lounge monthly cover contest. Voting ends midnight July 31, so you still have a few days to get your vote in. I hope you all like the cover and will place your vote. If you have already voted, many thanks to you. Don't wait until it is over. Go now and vote - E :)
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Last five days to vote
Posted by
1:27 PM
Labels: cover award, JGDS series, State of Wilderness, The Author's Lounge
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
First review of State of Wilderness
Well here it is folks - the first review of the first book. It's such a wonderful review -
“Elysabeth has created an intriguing storyline to encourage youngsters to learn about our United States. The relationships of her four characters add depth to the stories; they are true to their age and situation. Interesting and educational, State of Wilderness is a wonderful first book in the Junior Geography Detective Series: I’m looking forward to the next 49 books!”
--Batya D. Wininger, UPositive Creativity and Life Coaching
Posted by
12:34 PM
Labels: Batya Wininger, JGDS series, review, UPositive
Friday, July 11, 2008
Books have arrived!!!!!
Yesterday was a good day. I know I should have posted then but believe me when I tell you that I was stuck with work all day, I was. UPS came about 1:30 p.m. and delivered a box of 50 books (on consignment from Viv and in preparation for the Decatur Book Festival). I have sold seven already. I'm thinking if I sell more than 25, I'll have to do another order of 25 for Decatur and maybe, depending on how we do at Decatur another order for Aiken. It would be nice. All that will have to wait for now.
If anyone wants a copy, they are available through the publisher, www.4rvpublishingllc.com/store.htm ($10.99 - plus shipping), amazon.com ($10.91 to $12.50 - does qualify for free shipping with a $25 or more order) and b&n.com ($13.49 - also qualifies for their free shipping with a $25 or more order), or you can email me and I'll be happy to send you a copy ($11 - plus shipping).
The books are so adorable. Come join the adventure with me and my JGD Squad and see which state you are visiting - Ms. E :)
Posted by
10:03 AM
Labels: book available, book in hands, JGDS series
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
FANTASTIC NEWS - State of Wilderness is being shipped
Viv left me a message this morning saying that the first order of 50 books (we had them shipped to me on cosignment to be prepared for Decatur so that Viv and Jacque wouldn't have to load Jacque's car down too much with extra books) is being shipped out tonight. Now I don't know exactly where LSI is located or where the books are being shipped from (they are being shipped via UPS), but best guess is I will have books in hand by the end of the week (that's even if they are located across country - figuring at least 3-4 days to travel but it could be sooner, could be Thursday and probably at the latest next Monday). So here's to anxiously awaiting books in hand - E :)
Posted by
3:01 PM
Labels: books shipped, JGDS series, State of Wilderness, waiting
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Book cover up for cover of the month award
I just found out yesterday, my cover has been placed in the Author's Lounge monthly contest for book cover of the month award. Check out the website and vote if you like the cover. There are only three nominations.
Vivian informed me this evening that the proof copy would be with her tomorrow and if everything is okay and there are no problems, she can place the first order right away, which means within two weeks from Monday, I could have books in hand, ready to take to Decatur or sell before then (have two sold already, just waiting for them to get here). I am so excited about this.
My newsletter was posted yesterday to the JGDS yahoo forum, so if you haven't signed up yet, please come over and sign up and receive monthly updates on the series. There is a sign up box to the right -------------->. I made some changes to the newsletter and have added a 4RV column (I took out the about me column because I felt everyone who is reading pretty much knows me) for updates on what is happening with the company. So, sign up and don't forget to check out the Author's Lounge to place your vote. See you all in the postings - E :)
Posted by
9:34 PM
Labels: Author's Lounge, cover award, JGDS series, newsletter