05/22/2010: It has been brought to my attention that ordering is not clear for the special deal, either from this blog posting or from an email campaign I'm running, so I am clarifying how to receive copies of State of Wilderness, State of Quarries and State of Reservatiosn with accompanying study guides on CDs. (Take advantage of receiving a $45 value for only $30 plus shipping and paypal fees (total $35).)
SPECIAL DEAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR ORDERING BOOKS: If you are ordering for this special deal either directly from this blog posting or through an email to your homeschool group - this is what you should do:
1. Go to paypal
2. Send funds totalling $35 to eeldering@gmail.com
3. Indicate in notes who to make books to (individual child(ren) or to the family - To the Smith Family (ex.) and indicate that this is special deal from blog
4. Make sure address is correct to receive copies of books plus the CDs
5. Send money or complete transaction
If you are ordering from the email campaign sent to homeschool associations or groups, please do not order the books from the website as that price does not include the study guides and does not include State of Reservations. The deal is good for the first three books in the series. Remember that each book is one state and by the fall, hopefully three more books will be available to help you complete your series. It will take upwards of another 11 or so years to get the remaining books published. I can only write so many a year and my publisher can only publish so many a year (right now we are hoping to get 3 or 4 a year out), so please be patient to complete your series.
(Books coming out this year - State of Altitude, State of Secession, and State of Nature with #7, 8 and 9 slated to be published between February and October of 2011. Titles tentatively are State of Acceleration, State of Imagination, and unknown at this point as I haven't put the clues down to see what direction to go with a title). Updates will be posted here as I get them. So please be patient.
05/20/2010 UPDATE: I've decided to expand this out to June 5, 2010, as it looks like State of Reservations will not arrive until after this date - sometime hopefully by the 15th or so of June. With paypal fees and shipping costs, the amount to paypal will be $35 even. Reserve your copies now. This deal is only good until midnight June 5.In celebration of State of Reservations getting published very soon, I'm going to offer a special on the first three books. Order a copy of State of Wilderness, State of Quarries and State of Reservations by Thursday, May 20, 2010, for only $10 each (this is discounted from the usual price of $11) and receive the accompanying study guide on CD for free (these are normally priced at $3 each for the PDF file to be emailed to you or with the CD PDF version priced at $4).
All orders should be done through Paypal at my email address - eeldering@gmail.com - please make sure to indicate who to sign the books to and if you want any special messages. State of Reservations should be available and ready to be mailed between June 3 and June 15.
Place your order today as this is only good until midnight Thursday, May 20, 2010.
See you all in the postings - Mrs. E :)
Desain Bentuk Rumah Adat Jawa Tengah dan Penjelasannya
Desain Bentuk Rumah Adat Jawa Tengah dan Penjelasannya – Rumah Adat
Tradisional asal Jawa Tengah merupakan tema bahasan kita dalam jelajah
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4 years ago
Just wanted to say that as a teacher who uses these books THIS IS A STEAL OF A DEAL! What a great chance to order several sets for group studies! I love these books, my students love these books, and I can assure anyone that purchases them that you will not regret it! And to get the study guides on CD is truly an added bonus! GO ON- BUY THEM NOW!
Thanks, Mr. Hughes. I hope it brings in some new folks but so far nothing. I'll see how it goes in the next couple of days. Thanks for stopping by, muchly appreciated. Just know as soon as Reservations is released and in my hands, your copies are on the way to you - E ;)
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