For the first community event from B&R Books in Honea Path, I think it was a success. More older people coming out to listen to the music, pretty good group from what I heard. I stayed inside a good bit and saw a few people coming in. I wish I had had a sign out front indicating that I was inside doing a book signing but I didn't and it was still a success.
I got there a bit later than I had planned to be but Hailie was there to help me set up. I had walked in with my table and board and map and there was a customer in the store and she bought the two copies that were on the shelf (Bob is consigning my books along with the other children's and young adult/middle grade books that Vivian has available, save Colors and Angeline Jellybean as I don't have those two yet). So as I was putting up the table and the first sale was made and she wasn't even buying for kids; she was buying for herself. I signed and then Hailie and I got set up. Traffic picked up about 6 and I sold two more copies (grandma had the cutest little 4-year-old with her and she bought a copy for her and one for the baby that isn't even born yet (due in August), and she preordered two copies of State of Quarries. Light traffic but good contacts. One mother with her two children, a third grader and a younger (probably kindergarten) stopped by to chat and play my new game "Road Trip" and come to find out she is a teacher and/or on the PTO at the elementary school. She inquired as to me coming and doing a program either for a class or for the PTO. Woohooo - another speaking engagement at the elementary school for me (Already have one scheduled for the after school program kids on April 13). I sold a couple more books to individuals and the two ladies who work at Curves came in and they were chatting with me as they have kind of adopted Hailie since she started going back to Curves recently. They were checking out my giveaways and all and were talking about me coming to their church and doing a program with the boys' group (the RAs), an interactive program and took all my information and will be getting back in touch.
I did get packed up and headed home and Bob was so nice to go ahead and pay me up front for the sales and I was informed that State of Quarries was sent to the printers today, so I should have it in about three weeks (fingers crossed).
Book signing - success
New Game - success and fun and I think once it catches on, it will be even more successful
and Speaking engagements - oh my!!
Ya'll come back and see us soon and see where the adventure takes you next!!!
Desain Bentuk Rumah Adat Jawa Tengah dan Penjelasannya
Desain Bentuk Rumah Adat Jawa Tengah dan Penjelasannya – Rumah Adat
Tradisional asal Jawa Tengah merupakan tema bahasan kita dalam jelajah
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4 years ago
Sounds awesome! Congrats! I'm looking forward to #2 in the series.
Me too. Now I guess I better get #3 finished so Vivian can get it edited and Aidana can start working on the illustrations soon. It's been a long time coming but things are finally looking up. See you in the postings - E :)
Congrats! You're doing a great job getting the word out about your books.
Thanks - I really am having fun and it's book signings like tonight's that make it worthwhile. I didn't hand out as many bookmarks tonight but I feel good about everything that transpired. Talk soon - E :)
You have worked so hard! Congratulations on all your success! Any time you want to share the love, that'd be great!
Yay, printing! *crosses fingers with you*
I am happy to hear of the success! That is wonderful! It sounds like you definitely got some good contacts in there. Good, good!
And thank you for the bookmarks! They're lovely. :D I've given a few away, using a few myself, and plan to put some at the Children's School when I get back on-campus. :)
I hope you enjoyed your little gift too. I think it was overall a great time, although I would have loved more kids to come through to play the game but I'm pleased with everything. Talk soon - E :)
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